This is the main class, the entry point to sequelize. To use it, you just need to import sequelize:

import { Sequelize } from '@sequelize/core';

In addition to sequelize, the connection library for the dialect you want to use should also be installed in your project. You don't need to import it however, as sequelize will take care of that.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Instantiate sequelize with name of database, username and password

    Example usage

    // without password and options
    const sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username')

    // without options
    const sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', 'password')

    // without password / with blank password
    const sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', null, {})

    // with password and options
    const sequelize = new Sequelize('my_database', 'john', 'doe', {})

    // with uri (see below)
    const sequelize = new Sequelize('mysql://localhost:3306/database', {})


    • database: string

      The name of the database

    • username: string

      The username which is used to authenticate against the database.

    • Optional password: string

      The password which is used to authenticate against the database.

    • Optional options: Options

      An object with options.

    Returns Sequelize

  • Parameters

    • database: string
    • username: string
    • Optional options: Options

    Returns Sequelize

  • Parameters

    Returns Sequelize

  • Instantiate sequelize with an URI


    • uri: string

      A full database URI

    • Optional options: Options

      See above for possible options

    Returns Sequelize


#models: Set<ModelStatic> = ...
#transactionCls: undefined | AsyncLocalStorage<Transaction>
Sequelize: typeof Sequelize

A reference to Sequelize constructor from sequelize. Useful for accessing DataTypes, Errors etc.

afterAssociate: LegacyAddHookFunction<((data, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterBulkCreate: LegacyAddHookFunction<((instances, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterBulkDestroy: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterBulkRestore: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterBulkSync: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterBulkUpdate: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterConnect: LegacyAddHookFunction<((connection, config) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterCreate: LegacyAddHookFunction<((attributes, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterDefine: LegacyAddHookFunction<((model) => void)> = ...

Type declaration

afterDestroy: LegacyAddHookFunction<((instance, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterDisconnect: LegacyAddHookFunction<((connection) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterFind: LegacyAddHookFunction<((instancesOrInstance, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterPoolAcquire: LegacyAddHookFunction<((connection, options?) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterQuery: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options, query) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterRestore: LegacyAddHookFunction<((instance, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterSave: LegacyAddHookFunction<((instance, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterSync: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterUpdate: LegacyAddHookFunction<((instance, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterUpsert: LegacyAddHookFunction<((attributes, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterValidate: LegacyAddHookFunction<((instance, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeAssociate: LegacyAddHookFunction<((data, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeBulkCreate: LegacyAddHookFunction<((instances, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeBulkDestroy: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeBulkRestore: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeBulkSync: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeBulkUpdate: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeConnect: LegacyAddHookFunction<((config) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeCount: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeCreate: LegacyAddHookFunction<((attributes, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeDefine: LegacyAddHookFunction<((attributes, options) => void)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeDestroy: LegacyAddHookFunction<((instance, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeDisconnect: LegacyAddHookFunction<((connection) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeFind: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeFindAfterExpandIncludeAll: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

    • (options): AsyncHookReturn
    • A hook that is run before a find (select) query, after any { include: {all: ...} } options are expanded


      Returns AsyncHookReturn


      use beforeFind instead

beforeFindAfterOptions: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforePoolAcquire: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options?) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeQuery: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options, query) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeRestore: LegacyAddHookFunction<((instance, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeSave: LegacyAddHookFunction<((instance, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeSync: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeUpdate: LegacyAddHookFunction<((instance, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeUpsert: LegacyAddHookFunction<((attributes, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

beforeValidate: LegacyAddHookFunction<((instance, options) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

config: Config

Final config that is used by sequelize.

hasHook: (<HookName>(this, hookName) => boolean) = ...

Type declaration

hasHooks: (<HookName>(this, hookName) => boolean) = ...

Type declaration

models: ModelSetView = ...
removeHook: (<HookName>(this, hookName, listenerNameOrListener) => void) = ...

Type declaration

runHooks: LegacyRunHookFunction<SequelizeHooks, void> = ...
validationFailed: LegacyAddHookFunction<((instance, options, error) => AsyncHookReturn)> = ...

Type declaration

afterInit: LegacyAddHookFunction<((sequelize) => void)> = ...

Type declaration

    • (sequelize): void
    • A hook that is run at the end of the creation of a Sequelize instance.


      Returns void

beforeInit: LegacyAddHookFunction<((options) => void)> = ...

Type declaration

    • (options): void
    • A hook that is run at the beginning of the creation of a Sequelize instance.


      Returns void

hasHook: (<HookName>(this, hookName) => boolean) = ...

Type declaration

hasHooks: (<HookName>(this, hookName) => boolean) = ...

Type declaration

removeHook: (<HookName>(this, hookName, listenerNameOrListener) => void) = ...

Type declaration



  • Close all connections used by this sequelize instance, and free all references so the instance can be garbage collected.

    Normally this is done on process exit, so you only need to call this method if you are creating multiple instances, and want to garbage collect some of them.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Define a new model, representing a table in the DB.

    The table columns are defined by the hash that is given as the second argument. Each attribute of the hash represents a column. A short table definition might look like this:

    class MyModel extends Model {}
    columnA: {
    type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
    validate: {
    is: ["[a-z]",'i'], // will only allow letters
    max: 23, // only allow values <= 23
    isIn: {
    args: [['en', 'zh']],
    msg: "Must be English or Chinese"
    field: 'column_a'
    // Other attributes here
    columnB: DataTypes.STRING,
    }, { sequelize })

    sequelize.models.modelName // The model will now be available in models under the name given to define

    As shown above, column definitions can be either strings, a reference to one of the datatypes that are predefined on the Sequelize constructor, or an object that allows you to specify both the type of the column, and other attributes such as default values, foreign key constraints and custom setters and getters.

    For a list of possible data types, see

    For more about getters and setters, see

    For more about instance and class methods, see

    For more about validation, see

    Type Parameters


    • modelName: string

      The name of the model. The model will be stored in sequelize.models under this name

    • Optional attributes: ModelAttributes<M, TAttributes>

      An object, where each attribute is a column of the table. Each column can be either a DataType, a string or a type-description object, with the properties described below:

    • Optional options: ModelOptions<M>

      These options are merged with the default define options provided to the Sequelize constructor

    Returns ModelStatic<M>

  • Checks whether a model with the given name is defined


    • modelName: string

      The name of a model defined with Sequelize.define

    Returns boolean


    use Sequelize#models instead.

  • Execute a query which would set an environment or user variable. The variables are set per connection, so this function needs a transaction.

    Only works for MySQL.


    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Start a managed transaction: Sequelize will create a transaction, pass it to your callback, and commit it once the promise returned by your callback resolved, or execute a rollback if the promise rejects.

    try {
    await sequelize.transaction(() => {
    const user = await User.findOne(...);
    await user.update(...);

    // By now, the transaction has been committed
    } catch {
    // If the transaction callback threw an error, the transaction has been rolled back

    By default, Sequelize uses AsyncLocalStorage to automatically pass the transaction to all queries executed inside the callback (unless you already pass one or set the transaction option to null). This can be disabled by setting Options.disableClsTransactions to true. You will then need to pass transactions to your queries manually.

    const sequelize = new Sequelize({
    // ...
    disableClsTransactions: true,

    await sequelize.transaction(transaction => {
    // transactions are not automatically passed around anymore, you need to do it yourself:
    const user = await User.findOne(..., { transaction });
    await user.update(..., { transaction });

    If you want to manage your transaction yourself, use startUnmanagedTransaction.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    Returns Promise<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T


    Returns Promise<T>

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